Member Benefits

Member Benefits

Being a member of Chamber San Mateo County comes with a robust portfolio of benefits, services and opportunities.

B2B Golf Tournament Chamber
Ribbon Cutting
Chamber SMC member benefits

Why become a member?

Advocacy/Public Policy representing Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont, Menlo Park and San Mateo County businesses with a unified voice to local government

Access to 1,500 businesses and nearly 65 elected officials, including those from the U.S. House, California State Legislature, San Mateo County, and key city councils.

Engagement through free access to Coffee Talks, Good Morning San Mateo County events, Chamber Committee meetings, and monthly “Off the Clock” networking programs.

Exposure to the Chamber’s communications to promote your business or organization.

Services include complimentary Certificate of Origin stamping and ribbon-cutting ceremonies for new and existing members.

Further Education to keep your business growing.

“It’s an eye-opener to watch our local government in action. We need organizations like Chamber San Mateo County to help us get through the maze.”

Jim Rimmer, VP Toyota 101

“The Chamber has been extremely helpful to my business in many ways…just this past week the chamber was able to assist me secure a refund from Redwood City.

This had been ongoing for years, but Within two days I had the issue resolved!! Amy and her staff are just incredible. “

Marty Putnam, Putnam Lexus